Sapphire Eyes: The Weaver Chronicles Book 1 Page 2
I huff out a breath, “Fine, but this is far from finished.”, I say with snark. He just chuckles and helps me readjust myself. I smooth down my long purple hair and try to regain my equilibrium. Once I feel somewhat back to normal, I take Kalan’s hand and we head down to meet everyone in the portal room.
I always hate traveling through portals. They feel wholly unnatural to me. I’m not sure why. I never look forward to the portals, but I am looking forward to the destination. I'm still reluctant to see my grandfather. We always travel to the West Coast on our trips to the human realm but for once, we are visiting a completely different place, Tennessee. I have never seen my grandfather’s estate so regardless of my nervousness in seeing him, I am looking forward to a new adventure.
“Alright everyone, we’re looking forward to this and you all need to be on your best behavior. This is the town in which the Council resides. We are guests so please for the love of the creator, don't do anything to embarrass us.", this is said to Aldair. He has always been the prankster of the group. " Now, go. Rodriq will be waiting on the other side.”, Alita says.
We make our way through the portal, me and Kalan going through hand in hand. Maddie comes through next with Aldair and then Dain and Alita join us last. As Alita said, Rodriq is waiting for us by a huge black SUV of some kind. He must have left yesterday to make accommodations. That would explain not having lessons. He’s looking down at his phone but as if he felt the portal magic ripple, he looks up.
He smiles when he spots us until his eyes land on Maddie in her crop top and cut off shorts. “Princess, where’s the rest of your outfit? Did the portal swallow it?”, he huffs. I see the firelight in her eyes as she looks him up and down. Her favorite pastime is giving him shit, especially since it's his job to both tutor and protect us. Oh, and did I mention that they are totally in love but each of them refuses to acknowledge those feelings.
“I don’t know Rodriq, perhaps the stable boy removed them for me.” she snarks. Now there’s a fire in Rodriq’s eyes and it's not the flirtatious one I saw before. Now it is wholly anger taking over his handsome face.
Before he can do or say something he regrets I tell him, “Come now Rodriq, she’s only dressing the way human girls do. You know we have to fit in.” He physically shakes himself to get rid of the angry look and it is extremely adorable. If they weren’t both totally clueless, they’d make an amazing couple. As it is, I am trying to find a way to force them together.
Maddie and Aldair are lucky. They get to choose who they live and marry. Kalan, as the heir apparent, will be required to marry someone of class. Someone that has highbred Fae blood. We haven't talked about that aspect of our relationship yet. While I want to, he seems to be ignoring the truth. We aren't destined to spend our lives together. This is just a passing thing. So why does that thought make my heart squeeze painfully in my chest?
We all pile into the SUV with me crammed in the back between both Aldair and Kalan. Kalan’s hand automatically reaches for mine as we settle. It’s mid-morning when we reach the estate. “Kids go enjoy your day and explore the city. Dinner tonight at nine.”, Dain calls as we all head to our designated rooms.
I head over to my bags sitting on the foot of the bed and pull out a sapphire blue peasant top that matches my eyes. I check myself in the mirror and deem myself worthy for a day exploring the town. When Alita told me where we would be going this morning, I did some research and discovered there are so many different things to do like go-karts and mini-golf, I knew this would be interesting. There is even an amusement park and an aquarium I am dying to check out. I know that won’t happen today. We will have to check out the town and the shopping and of course the food. I can’t wait
Chapter 3: Trenton
We’re walking along the strip we know so well. Classes start in 2 weeks, so Asher and I came back to town early to enjoy the town and the beautiful females that cling to this place at the beginning of the season. Well, I'm going to enjoy the females. I’m an easy-going guy. I'm what you'd call a lady’s man. I love women too much to get myself tied down in a relationship.
I look over at my best friend. He used to be like the rest of us. No worries about spending one night with a woman and then letting her go. That was before Calista. He and Calista have been together for the past 2 years. I don’t know why he doesn’t step up and break up with the conniving bitch. None of us like her.
That’s another reason we came back early. She won’t be back until classes resume so this is a vacation from the drama. Anyway, I love this place this time of year since there are hotties all over and they won’t be staying long. It's the perfect environment for a few great one-night stands before my life is zapped away and replaced by another year at the academy.
We’re just passing by one of the many food trucks when I hear a tinkling laugh that shoots electricity up my spine. I turn my head at the same time she does. She has a radiant smile on her face and the most unique eyes I’ve ever seen. They’re a gorgeous sapphire blue. I've never seen eyes that color before. Her hair is purple and runs in waves down her back. Dyed or natural, I’m not sure. One thing is certain. She is definitely not human, but I can’t get a read on her.
I peruse her starting at her feet. She’s tall and willowy with curves in all the right places. She’s wearing a pair of Chucks, a pair of black skinny jeans that look like they were painted on and a blue top that matches her eyes and shows off the swell of what I can tell are perfect breasts. She’s smiling and laughing with another female, a Fae. The Fae is petite with fiery red hair and green eyes. She’s dressed in a crop top and shorts with a pair of sandals on her feet. She’s cute but she has nothing on the beauty beside her.
“I think I’m in love,” I say more to myself. I know Asher isn't paying any attention to my musings. I'm sure he's stuck in his phone answering texts from Calista, insert shiver here, or his dad Senior Hayworth. Yes, that's his name. Pretentious right. I'm surprised Asher didn't come out named Junior except for his mom is the sweetest dragon you'll ever meet and gave him his name. I still don't know how she stomachs that asshole she calls a husband.
“You are at least 3 times a week man.”, Ash answers. I guess he wasn’t caught up on his phone. I looked over and yep, I was wrong. He’s texting. I see it's Calista and I take his phone from him and turn it off.
“What the hell, dude?”, he asks. Someone has to save him from himself and since I'm here, it should be me.
“Man, stop. We came back early to get away from her drama, not to continue to deal with it. “I give him a look trying to convey that I mean business. "If you take it out again, I will throw it in one of the deep fryers in that food truck", I tell him while pointing at a truck that boasts famous funnel cakes.
“She’s my girlfriend dickhead.”, Ash fumes. She may be, but that doesn't mean I have to hear about it right now.
“Shit, you don’t even like that bitch. You just feel you have to do what Daddy says instead of living your life for you.”, I admonish with an eyebrow raised daring him to contradict me.
“Whatever man. You know it's complicated.”, he answers. "I don't have much of a choice in any of this shit, and she's hot as hell."
“Nah man, it's not that complicated. And hot doesn't detract from the craziness bro.", I say with an eye roll. He knows I'm right; he just refuses to admit he's got no problem being stuck under Senior's thumb.
“If you say so. So, who’s the new love of your life?”, he says as he throws his arm over my shoulder. I point toward where she’s standing by the food truck. They haven’t moved more than a few steps so he can see her clearly. Right now she’s turned away but even he can see how bangin’ her body is. “Let’s go get some street tacos.”, Asher laughs, pulling me toward where the girls stand.
The line moves quickly when we reach it and as the girls make their order and prepare to pay, I speak, “I’ve got these ladies. We’ll also take 6 short rib tacos with slaw please.” Asher doesn't like slaw but oh well.
He'll have to get over it since I spoke first.
The girls turn and those beautiful eyes shine at me. They take my breath away, “Um… Thanks, that’s not necessary.”, sapphire eyes says with a small smile. I can see the slightest blush color her cheeks and it makes her look even more magnificent.
The redhead elbows her, “It’s not necessary but it’s appreciated. Thank you.”, she says. I can see her darting her eyes back and forth between sapphire and me.
I can’t take my eyes off of this purple-headed beauty in front of me. I feel a weird pull to her that I’ve never felt before. As if I can’t help it, I find myself leaning close to her and grab her hand in mine. It's so warm and her skin is so soft. I press a kiss to her hand, “It’s my pleasure to feed beautiful women. I’m Trenton and you are?”, I plead. I need to hear her voice again. I need to know the name of the woman that has me, a certifiable male slut, enamored.
She opens her lips to speak but is interrupted by a sharp inhale by my best friend,” Winnie?”, he asks. He looks like he has just seen a ghost and doesn't know what to do with it. His jaw is almost hitting the ground and his eyes hold not just surprise but what looks like hurt.
“I’m so sorry, I think you have the wrong person, I’m Reegan.”, she says but I can see the panic and recognition in her eyes. She's scared. Scared of Asher. Why?
I can tell she knows Asher but before I can ask about that, I feel this fierce protectiveness of her. She doesn't want him to know she recognizes him as well. I find myself desperately wanting to take that fear away. “So, what brings you ladies to Gatlinburg?”, I ask them, hoping to change the subject.
The redhead doesn’t miss a beat, “We’re actually on vacation. I’m Maddie by the way. It’s nice to meet you.” she holds out her hand and I take it for a quick shake. I glance back at Reegan and see relief flash in those beautiful eyes.
“Trenton but you can call me Trent and this guy here is Asher.”, I nod toward my friend who keeps looking at Reegan like she’s an enigma. I kinda feel the same way.
Asher finally breaks whatever spell he was under and looks at both girls, “Would you ladies like to sit with us to eat?”, he asks with hope in his eyes. He looks to Maddie instead of Reegan. I think he knows she'd be quick to say no.
“Sure. That sounds great!”, Maddie answers excitedly. Her excitement is infectious, and I find myself smiling as we walk over and grab an empty table.
We converse with small talk for a while and then I see Reegan look over Ash’s shoulder and her whole face lights up. Damn, I’d give anything to have that look directed at me. I turn around to see none other than the Seelie prince striding toward us with a man, I assume is his brother.
“Hey, baby. Who are your new…. friends?” the dark-haired, douche asks. Gods, she has a boyfriend and by the look in his eyes, he’s possessive as hell. Dammit. And he would be a mother fucking prince.
“Hey, Kalan. This is Trent and Asher. They were nice enough to buy us lunch. Wasn’t that sweet of them?” Reegan smiles tilting her head up to look at him. He places a kiss on her lips, and I have to physically keep myself from growling at him. Maddie looks at me right then and giggles a little. I rub my chest right above my heart as it tugs causing Maddie to look and then frown.
“Yeah, nice. Are you ready to go? We should head back to the house. I’m sure mom and dad are waiting, and I really want some alone time with you.”, he says kissing her hair.
"Oh. Okay. Trent, Asher, it was nice meeting you. Thank you for lunch.", Reegan says as she takes Kalan's hand and rises from her seat. She grabs her trash and walks away but looks over her shoulder shooting a look at Asher and then gives me a wave and a smile.
At the same time douche looks over his shoulder sending me a scathing look. Damn, if looks could kill! I’d kick his ass if it weren’t for me not wanting to see this beautiful creature sad. As she walks away, I realize I don't even know her last name. I'll probably never see her again.
After they walk away, I turn to Ash, “What the hell was that, bro? You knew her?" I ask him. I don't think he's going to give me an answer
“I just thought she looked familiar. That’s all.”, he says, but I can see it in his eyes. He's lying. We never lie to each other. So what's so important about this girl to him that he feels the need to keep it to himself?
“Yeah, I call bullshit, but I won’t push right now. That doesn’t mean you won’t be filling me in later.” He just laughs. We get up, all thoughts of finding a woman to spend the evening with gone. I found one. I just hope I see her again.
Chapter 4: Asher
I am not mistaken about knowing that beauty. Except her name isn’t Reegan. It’s Winnie. At least that’s what she told me in a dream when I was 15. I know it sounds weird. How could I meet someone in a dream? I saw the recognition in her eyes and the sheer panic at the fact that I recognized her. Why is she hiding who she is? Is she in trouble? She seemed scared of me.
I never doubted she was real when she first showed up in a dream. I remember those dreams so vividly. I fell in love with her in those dreams, though I was always afraid to say the words aloud for fear the dreams wouldn’t be real. Then after two years of nearly meeting nightly in the dreamscape as she called it, she disappeared.
I felt like a piece of me had been torn out then. Like a vital part of my being was missing. I tried to forget her. I tried to move on without looking back, but truthfully? I have dreamt almost every night of sapphire eyes and a radiant smile that was always just for me. Eight years have passed but the feelings remain. "Mine!!", my dragon bellows in my head. "Yes, she is", I answer.
When I saw that smile on her lips today as she looked upon her boyfriend, I felt a pang of jealousy but quickly squashed it down. I have no claim on her anymore. I don't know that I ever truly did. I don't know what kind of supernatural she is. I couldn't read her power even if I wanted to. They outlawed that many years ago when witches would spell a super in order to find weaknesses to take advantage of.
I always wondered what it would be like to meet her in real life, outside of the dreams. She's so much more beautiful than I ever imagined. She's still the girl I saw in my dreams all those years ago but now she's more. She's grown into a woman. Her hair is longer but still that perfect shade of amethyst and her eyes are still that crystalline sapphire I loved getting lost in.
Her body is another story altogether. That is the biggest change. Her breasts are full and round. Her curves are more prominent, but you can see how athletic she is as well. She's the perfect mix of hard and soft. And when she walked away giving me the perfect view of her tight ass in those jeans, I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from groaning.
Just thinking of her has me hard as steel in my jeans. I grab my cock to relieve some of the pressure building there. Now is not the time for it when Trent and I have plans in the gym.
My phone pings as I’m lying on my bed in the house the guys and I share. I look down and see a text from Jaymeson:
Jaymes: Are you guys home already?
Me: Got back in yesterday. Checked out the town scene today. When are you guys coming back?
Jaymes: I’ll be there tomorrow. Not sure about Bentley.
Me: Ok. Tell Bentley to text us and let us know. We gotta make plans for the newbs this year.
I get up off my bed and my phone pings again. I see Calista's name. I don't want to deal with her right now, so I turn it off. She's another issue I seriously need to figure out. Trent was right. I really don't like her, but she is a damn good lay. She's seriously a freak between the sheets and I kind of love that. She has a tight body and huge breasts. To most people, she's the perfect specimen. Tall with long blonde hair and hazel eyes. But she's a sadistic bitch and I don't know why my dad is all for our relationship.
I do know but I don't want to dwell on it. It's for power. As the dragon council lead, and descendent of Lucifer himself, dad thinks he should be the head of it all. Calista's dad, a witch, tends to agree with him so they
've made some sort of deal with each other. I don't know what that deal is, but I do know I am a pawn in this game and until I graduate, I don't have much of a choice.
Done with thoughts of my dad, Calista, and the Council, I make my way to the gym. I spend a good amount of time here every night with Trent. My dragon needs it. It helps me to relax and blow off steam in a safe way. I turn the treadmill up to the highest level and I run. I run for about an hour just getting lost in the motion. When I’m done there, I walk over the mats with the punching bag hanging from the ceiling. I give it a go for a while until I wear myself out.
Trent is in the corner of the room working on his Elemental powers. He holds all of them except Spirit, making him the strongest and rarest of all Elementals, including his mom who holds the council position. His dad is part of the current task force and will be teaching hand to hand this year.
I make my way back upstairs and head for the shower. My body is tired, but my head still wants to run with thoughts of Reegan. I’m hard as fuck still, with the thoughts of that luscious body I got a glimpse of today. I strip down and climb under the water. I slick up my body and take my cock in my hand. I hiss at the feeling. I grip it hard and jerk up and down, circling the head with every pass. It doesn’t take me long before I feel the tingle in the bottom of my spine and my balls tightening up. With a grunt, I cum on the shower wall. I watch as the water washes the evidence down the drain. I quickly finish my shower and dry off. I throw on a pair of sweats that sit low on my hips and drop onto my pillows. I’m out in a matter of minutes. That night like so many before, I dream of sapphire eyes.
Chapter 5: Reegan
What does it mean that after all these years, the one person I never thought I'd see finding me in the middle of a crowd at a food truck? Not just that he found me, but that he remembered me. How is that possible? He shouldn't be able to remember anything from the dreamscape. No one else ever does.